My Inquiry

Inquiry Questions 2019

Religious Education
1)How successfully are we facilitating an ongoing encounter with Christ at our school?
Here is the Self-Review

2) How can I further home-school partnership to improve outcomes for akonga?
3) How can I work collaboratively in my hub to lift achievement for akonga?

Collaborative Inquiry 2019

Spiral of Inquiry Term 3 2017

Spiral of Inquiry Term 1-2 2017

Here is a link to My Inquiry: Spiral of Inquiry Term 1 2016

Spiral of Inquiry Term 2, 2016


What’s going on for our learners?
How do we know?

Draw on a range of information especially from the perspective of the learner.

Where will our energy be better focussed?How will we check with learners that we are on the right track?
What changes would we like to see?



Developing a hunch about the focus
What are our assumptions about what is contributing to the situation?
How can we check our assumptions?

Keep the focus on what we can do something about.

New Learning
What research or theory is informing our learning? Why is an approach or principle important?
How can this learning be collaborative?

This is about learning and how ideas, theory and research can be adapted or used to make a difference in our environment.

Taking Action
What opportunities are there for dialogue, observation and reflection with others?
What’s going on for our learners?
How and when can I share my learning?

Actions are informed and we understand why we are using particular strategies or practices. It is a process of practicing a new strategy, trying it out,rewriting it with others,and modifying it to try again. We need to get expertise to develop our own.

Have we made enough difference?
What’s going on for our learners?
How do we know?

Checking can occur throughout a spiral. The involvement of learners and families in the checking process is important to get a fuller picture on the difference being made.

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