Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Learner Agency in Reading

One way in which Jody and I have tried to accelerate learning through our collaborative teaching, is by sharing the teaching of reading for the akonga in our learning hub (Piripono 2).

So I have taken a larger group of 28 which she has taken the other 20 in a smaller group.

This term I had my group do an asttle reading test and then analyse their own learning pathway to establish goals, then to make an action plan as to how to achieve their reading goals.

It's been successful for the more self-directed, self-monitoring learners, but there has been a group of approx. 8 who I have had to very much guide through the process, which can be frustrating!

It's been great to see the independence and self-direction from a lot of the others though.

Here is Sophia's action plan..

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

DMIC Maths Observation 4 September

Today Trevor came to observe me take a DMIC lesson. I was anxious about it so he guided me through the process. I used a STAGE 7 GLOSS fractions question (which he liked!)

I was so stunned that the children managed to solve it and shared their thinking excellently through diagrams. Interestingly most of them cannot solve this problem on their own in the GLOSS diagnostic interview with me! But the collaboration led to deeper understanding. They even established a new rule/pattern which I hadn't expected. This was very rich learning so I'm looking forward to implementing more DMIC lessons.