One thing that resonated with em was the need for more self-onitoring by the students, so I have designed some rubrics - "ladders of success" - for students for this term's maths and concept. I have also shared these with my team.
I will put them on the wall in Room 5:
Mult / Div Ladder to Success
Stage 4 I can do most basic multiplication and division (basic facts up to 10x and 10÷) but still need to improve my speed and recall.
Stage 5 – E6 I am beginning to use my basic facts recall and my number knowledge about multiplying 10s so that I can use one strategy to multiply for a problem such as 6 x 28, and one strategy to divide for problems such as 43 ÷ 6
Stage 6 I have achieved stage 5 AND..
I can use more than one strategy to solve mult/div problems such as 5 x 96 or 116 ÷ 6
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Stage E7 I can use more than one strategy to solve a mult/div problem, such as 12 x 25 or 112 ÷ 8 AND I can choose which one works best
Extended Abstract
Earth Science Ladder to Success
I know one thing about each sphere of the Earth.
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I know several things about each sphere of the Earth.
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I know several things about each of the Earth’s spheres and I understand how they interact (rely on one another or affect one another) – making connections!
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I can make several connections between Earth’s spheres and predict how disasters in one sphere impact on other spheres, as well as evaluating and investigating the importance of the relationship between the spheres (what might happen if one didn’t have the other?).
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