That 70% of students are achieving in Mathematics in Year 6 (2023 data = 60%)
50% Y2 Maori students (3/6) were achieving at their expected curriculum level 2023. We aim to increase our Maori achievement in Y3 by 2.
29% Y5 Pasifika students (4/14) were achieving at their expected curriculum level 2023. We aim to increase our Pasifika achievement in Y6 by 4.
Overall 80% of students in 2024 will reach their expected curriculum level.
That 75% of students are achieving in Reading in Year 3 (2023 data: Y2 = 62%)
40% Y2 Maori students (2/5) were achieving at their expected curriculum level in 2023. We aim to increase our Maori achievement by 2.
41% Y4&5 Pasifika students (8/23) were achieving at their expected curriculum level 2023. We aim to increase our Pasifika achievement in Y4&5 by 6.
Overall 80% of students in 2024 will reach their expected curriculum level.
That 70% of students are achieving in Writing in Year 6 (2023 data: Y5 = 50%)
40% Y5 Maori students (2/5) were achieving at their expected curriculum level in 2023. We aim to increase our Maori achievement in Y6 by 2.
38% Pasifika students Y1-5 (17/49) were achieving at their expected curriculum level 2023. We aim to increase our Pasifika achievement school-wide by 13.
25% Pasifika boy is achieving in Writing in Y3 (3/12) and 29% Pasifika boys are achieving in Writing in Y5 (2/7) in 2023. We aim to increase our Pasifika boys’ Writing achievement in Y4 by 3, and our Y5 by 3.
Overall 75% of students in 2024 will reach their expected curriculum level; with a focus on improving boys’ engagement in writing.
Team Inquiry Goals: From the school’s Annual Plan
Strategic Goal 1 Hauora
Annual Goal 1: Increase whanau engagement and participation using more effective communication and reporting tools
Annual Goal 2: Strengthening transition practices to school and from school; new entrants/arrivals across the school and Year 6 leavers.
Strategic Goal 2 Capability
Annual Goal 1: Increasing teacher capability in delivering the refreshed NZ Curriculum Learning Areas as released; in particular Mathematics and English
Annual Goal 2: Strengthen individual teacher knowledge of our Catholic faith and the teaching of it
Strategic Goal 3 Agency
Annual Goal 1: Develop and co-construct a shared understanding of what agentic learning looks like, sounds like and feels like at St Joseph’s School.
2023 Achievement Targets
Due to the disruptions to learning over the last three Covid years, our targets are aimed at accelerating progress
Our school focus will be to prioritize regular student attendance in order for learning progress to occur.
That 70% of students are achieving in Mathematics at Year 6 & 8 (2022 data: Y5 = 51%, Y7 = 43%)
14% Y8 Maori students (1/7) were achieving at their expected curriculum level 2022. We aim to increase our Maori achievement in Y8 by 3.
18% Y6 Pasifika students (2/11)) were achieving at their expected curriculum level 2022. We aim to increase our Pasifika achievement in Y6 by 4.
Overall 70% of students in 2023 will reach their expected curriculum level.
That 80% of students are achieving in Reading at Level 4 (2022 data: Y7 = 62%)
14% Level 4 Maori students (2/9) were achieving at their expected curriculum level 2022. We aim to increase our Maori achievement by 3.
17% Yr 4 Pasifika students (1/6) were achieving at their expected curriculum level 2022. We aim to increase our Pasifika achievement in Y4 by 3.
Overall 80% of students in 2023 will reach their expected curriculum level.
That 70% of students are achieving in Writing at Level 3 (2022 data: Y4 = 54%, Y5 = 61%)
33% Y5 Maori students (1/3) were achieving at their expected curriculum level in 2022. We aim to increase our Maori achievement in Y5 by 1.
42% Level 2 Pasifika students (6/15) were achieving at their expected curriculum level in 2022. We aim to increase our Pasifika achievement at Level 2 by 4.
Overall 75% of students in 2023 will reach their expected curriculum level.
Team Inquiry Goals: From the school’s Annual Plan
2023 Hauora Goal: Prioritize attendance and engagement of students post-Covid
2023 Capability Goal: Specific to your team
2023 Agency Goal: develop our knowledge in providing co-agentic learning opportunities through the use of systems and processes that promote agentic teaching and learning practices, with a focus on the effective use of feedback.
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