Monday, November 20, 2023

RE Staff Meetings

 I have led several staff meetings this year for RE, leading into To Tatou Whakapono Our Faith - the new RE curriculum.

Here are some of the Slides (some were in powerpoint so not link-able)

6 November

Term 3, Session 2

7 February 

14 March

Monday, August 21, 2023

Deliberate Acts of Teaching from Staff Meeting today

Today at staff meeting, Linda (as CoL leader) asked us to reflect on Deliberate acts of teacher. See Slides..



The importance of open-ended questions that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

To actively listen to students' responses and ask probing questions to deepen understanding and spark further discussions.

Significance of creating a safe and inclusive classroom environment where all students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Adapting questioning techniques based on a student’s age, ability, and cultural background is essential.

Participating in ongoing professional development by providing additional resources, such as books, websites, or online courses, to further enhance questioning skills beyond the activity.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Teacher Only PLD - Pukekohe Raceway

The highlight for me today was the Wellbeing and Resilience talk. As per slides attached.. fulfillment, sleep mastery and thinking were very interesting. Notably, purpose is more important than fullfilment and thinking leads to anxiety, so one is better to stop thinking and instead to focus on tasks!


Curriculum Refresh