Arahina - facilitator acknowledged our karakia.
Arahina asked us about connecting with children’s thinking. Children of all ages and levels are able to think and reason informally about mathematical ideas.
Making Mathematical Practices Explicit.pdf
Are you pushing the mathematical practices? What tools will you use to really understand what students are doing?
Look for misconceptions.
Complex listening
Evaluative: Listen for something
Interpretive: understand another’s thinking
Hermeneutic: interpretive or explanatory
How can children’s talk support learning? Helps clarify and organise their thoughts, facilitates personal and collective sense making, supports building connections between representations and multiple strategies..
Productive talk tools - revoicing by teacher and students, teacher asking student to repeat another student’s response, turn and talk, wait time, teacher request students to add on, teacher elicits a student’s reasoning (do you agree/disagree? Why do you think that?)
Empower students by highlighting a strength before directing them to where to next.
Value Mistakes!, value persistence and perseverance.
Reflecting: Talk moves - develop communication and promote active participation, help teacher gauge understanding, helps to reinforce and clarify new concepts.
We need to regularly use mistakes as learning tools, so students know that we appreciate mistakes!
Pepeha: Arahi
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