Monday, June 12, 2017

Writing Approaches

Here are the approaches I have tried in writing to lift achievement of target students. They are based on boy-friendly strategies as well as student agency.
I am using graphic organisers to plan their writing and continue to use the self-assessment check-list. I am also providing exemplars of quality writing of the genre or the main idea we are writing about. This is done on the data projector or paper copies and we read together and analyse before writing.
Students are continually reminded of their writing goal and posting on their BLOGS to show they are achieving their goals in writing.
We have been using our novel Holes as a writing context (recommended by Joseph Driesson at Boys’ Literacy PD). Students have all been quite engaged with the task and are all giving it a go and risk-taking (yes!!). I am going to try to get students to incorporate evidence towards their second writing goal - which many already have! (as well as self-assessing). I hope that this student agency will bring on improvements in their writing. Evidence will be posted on Learning Pathways BLOGS.
I will ask students to check on their other writing goals. Have they achieved any of these in their writing?
If so, they can use this as evidence on Learning Pathways Blogs.
Two weeks ago the students made a “We like writing that..” list. This is now glued in their books and on the whiteboard.
This checklist will help to enhance deeper features. After a discussion with TM (target student), she has identified that “making her writing more interesting” is her goal and that she can use this check to achieve this goal. She knows that ticking 2 of these means she has achieved it and 3 means that she has mastered it.
Here is the “We Like Writing That..” list (student-driven)

I emailed PM’s mother last night to inform her that he has been working hard on his speech-writing. NH got a certificate on Monday as well for his efforts and attitude.

Students have set their goals which are up in the classroom. Learning Pathways BLOGS  have been set up for students so that they can show evidence of achieving their goals (3 pieces of evidence per writing goal - accountability) 10/05/17

Students have all had individual feedback on their speeches so far in Google Docs 9/05/17
They have a checklist of persuasive techniques that they are working on (Boy-friendly!).

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