Friday, February 26, 2016

Sentence Punctuation Target Students

Based on classroom writing tasks and last year's e-asttle writing samples, target students are presenting with a need in sentence punctuation.

I created this doc for target students to do online tutorials around sentence punctuation. Here is the template doc for them to record (self monitor) their progress in this area. Sentence Punctuation Tutorials and Quizzes

See my spiral of inquiry for outcomes..

Monday, February 22, 2016

Writing and Spelling Workshops

I have started running workshops based on student needs in writing and spelling.

For the writing I asked each student to write a recount and based on their writing samples I made a group for the next three weeks. Those not in the group will focus on imaginative recount as well as plugging gaps in their recount writing.

For spelling I used an assessment from the Switch onto Spelling programme which identifies specific gaps e.g. suffixes, plurals etc. So this group changes weekly.

See Week 3 and 4 planning below for evidence of workshop planning and groups.

Term 1 Week 3 Plan

Term 1 Week 4 Plan

Blogging Workshop

Lead by Saunil from Cyclone

Today we learnt how to create all of the labels we need for posting about our professional practice. Four of us attended the accelerated workshop at 2:15 and then stayed on for the second workshop to assist Saunil in teaching the process to the staff.

These labels are now all set up and will allow us to easily link our practice to PTCs, goals, areas of responsibility and school targets. Very exciting!

Professional Goal

This is a post to label my professional goal.

My professional goal is to engage with and implement innovative learning practices in order to improve student engagement and achievement.

School Targets

This is a post to create labels for school targets.

2015 EOY Data:  35.4% (28) of our Pasifika Students are not achieving the National Standard in
Reading and Writing.
By the end of 2016 we aim to reduce this to 15 students.

2015 EOY Data: 29.3 % (12) of our Maori students were not achieving the National Standard in Writing.
By the end of 2016 we aim to reduce this to 6.

2015 EOY Data: 24.4% (10) of our Maori students are not achieving the National Standard in Maths.
By the end of 2016 we aim to reduce this to 5.

2015 EOY Data: 34.2% (27) of our Pasifika students are not achieving the National Standard in Maths.

By the end of 2016 we aim to reduce this to 14.

Areas of Responsibility

My areas of responsibility are:

Classroom Teaching
Leader of e-Learning
School Website
Liturgical Music
Kapa Haka Group Support
Social Studies Leader

Label Post #2

More labels for the PTC

Label Post #1

This post will create Practising Teacher Criteria labels for my blog.