Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Week 1 of Digital and Collaborative Learning Post-Grad

 Last week on July 17th I started my postgraduate study. 

Online sessions will be every Wednesdasy 6:30-8pm and every second Monday 6:30-7pm (tutorial).

It's been great for networking so far. I have had some homework - to choose an innovation article from 2012-2023 Open University UK..

I chose one on Social Justice Pedagogy and created a five minute video summarising it and saying why I found it interesting.

Link to article is attached - article #8

Social Justice Pedagogy

Monday, June 17, 2024

Te Reo Smartgoal

Today at staff meeting we reviewed as a team how we currently incorporate Te Reo in our programmes.

From that we have set a SMART goal each.

My goal is to use more classroom commands with my class. One per week to focus on.

I am hoping we can do this as a team.


Monday, February 5, 2024

2024 Labels (School Annual Goals)

 eam Inquiry Goals:  From the school’s Annual Plan

Strategic Goal 1 Hauora

Annual Goal 1: Increase whanau engagement and participation using more effective communication and reporting tools

Annual Goal 2:  Strengthening transition practices to school and from school; new entrants/arrivals across the school and Year 6 leavers.

Strategic Goal 2 Capability

Annual Goal 1:  Increasing teacher capability in delivering the refreshed NZ Curriculum Learning Areas as released; in particular Mathematics and English

Annual Goal 2: Strengthen individual teacher knowledge of our Catholic faith and the teaching of it.

Strategic Goal 3 Agency

Annual Goal 1: Develop and co-construct a shared understanding of what agentic learning looks like, sounds like and feels like at St Joseph’s School.